Hawk JS version 1.0.5

Configuration Settings in hawk.config.json

Lookup Patterns

"lookupPatterns": [
  • Description: Specifies the patterns used by Hawk JS to search for HTML files within your project.
  • Usage: Customize the patterns to match the file types or locations where your HTML content resides.

Ignore Pattern

"ignorePattern": [
  • Description: Defines a pattern to exclude specific directories or files from being included in the sitemap generation process.
  • Usage: Adjust the pattern to exclude folders or files that are not relevant for sitemap creation, such as node_modules or build directories.


"timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata"
  • Description: Sets the timezone for file modification times in Hawk JS.
  • Usage: Specify the timezone based on your project's location or operational requirements. This ensures accurate handling of time-related data during sitemap generation and other processes.

Domain Name

"domainName": "www.example.com"
  • Description: Specifies the domain name of your website.
  • Usage: Replace www.example.com with your actual domain name to generate accurate URLs in the sitemap.

Sitemap Path

"sitemapPath": "sitemap.xml"
  • Description: Defines the path and filename for the generated sitemap file.
  • Usage: Customize sitemap.xml to specify where Hawk JS should output the sitemap file within your project directory structure.

Secret File

"secretFile": "secrets.json"
  • Description: Points to a JSON file containing sensitive information such as ftp username, password, and hostname.
  • Usage: Update secrets.json with the necessary credentials or secrets needed for authenticating with FTP server for sitemap and api key deployment.

Secret file structure

	host: "ftp.hostname.com";
	user: "username";
	pass: "password";

How to Configure Hawk JS

Create hawk.config.json

Create and open the hawk.config.json file in the root directory of your project.

Configure Settings

Adjust the values of each configuration setting based on your project requirements and specifications.

Save Changes

Save the updated hawk.config.json file to apply the new configuration settings to Hawk JS.

By configuring these settings in hawk.config.json, you can customize Hawk JS to meet the specific needs of your website, ensuring accurate sitemap generation and effective management of tasks.

Let's see how to Obtain Credential

  • Configuration settings
  • hawk.config.json
  • customization